Artwork Policy
The Boulder Junction Public Library seeks to provide access to educational, informational, and cultural resources to the community. As part of that goal, the library encourages artistic and cultural interests in the community through its rotating and permanent exhibits.
Art Committee:
The Boulder Junction Public Library Board of Trustees may establish an Art Committee to oversee public art planning and decision-making. The purpose of the Art Committee is to provide guidance, leadership, and support to the Boulder Junction Public Library Board of Trustees in its goal to display permanent and rotating artwork at the Boulder Junction Public Library.
The committee may:
• Consist of citizens, art professionals, design professionals, and 1-2 Library Board members.
• Be appointed by the President of the Board of Trustees in accordance with the procedure set forth in the Library’s Bylaws.
• Meet as often as necessary.
• Include additional advisory members as needed.
• Be chaired by one of the Library Trustees appointed by the President of the Board of Trustees.
• Include the Library Director as an ex- officio member of the committee who will provide administrative support to the committee.
Part I - Rotating Exhibits
The Library Board of Trustees may establish and maintain an Art Committee which may explore ideas for exhibits, work with artists to organize exhibits, oversee installations, and establish an on-going schedule for exhibits. The selection of artwork for exhibit may be recommended by the Art Committee and approved by the Library Board of Trustees. If there is an issue with timing or lack of exhibitors for exhibits, the Library Director may fill the exhibit without prior Art Committee or Library Board approval.
A. Selection Criteria – proposed exhibits will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
• Northwoods Area Artists. The library is committed to exhibiting the work of artists who have significant ties to the Boulder Junction and Northwoods area. Accordingly, each exhibiting artist must currently be working in the Northwoods area or have spent a significant portion of his/her career in the Northwoods area. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Art Committee or Library Board of Trustees.
• Artistic Merit. The Library is committed to exhibiting works of
art that are of high artistic quality and that reflect original concepts.
• Interest to the Community. The works of art should engage the community by inspiring reflection, questions and/or conversation. In addition, the Committee may consider:
o whether the artist or artists have particular ties to the community
o whether the artist or subject matter will be of particular interest to the community
o whether the subject matter is particularly appropriate for the Library
o whether the piece creates diversity in the collection
• Physical and Financial Considerations. Mindful of the public nature of the Library facility and the Library’s inability to consistently monitor its exhibit space, the Committee will consider:
o Appropriateness of scale and design for the Library’s exhibit space
o Fragility and/or susceptibility to damage
o Likelihood of vandalism
o Any potential risk to the public
o Costs associated with the installation of the exhibition
B. Insurance and Liability. The Library does not insure any artwork that is loaned to the Library for temporary exhibit.
C. Requirements of Exhibiting Artists. Exhibiting artists must agree to the terms set forth in the Library’s Exhibition Contract.
Part II – Permanent Collection
The Library may acquire artwork for permanent display through donations. The objective will be to create a diverse collection, of high artistic merit, that will engage the public, complement the Library facility, and enrich the cultural environment of the community.
A. Methods of Acquisition
1. Works of art acquired by the Library shall become the sole property of the Library and shall not be encumbered or restricted in any way. Title shall be owned by the Boulder Junction Public Library.
2. Works of art may be added to the collection by designated giving or gifts.
3. In the case of unique or otherwise significant objects, or under extraordinary circumstances, the Library may consider accepting a work of art as a long-term or indefinite loan.
4. A decision to acquire a work of art or remove a work from the Library’s permanent collection will be determined by the Library Trustees and the Library Director. The Library Trustees or the Library Director may seek input from the Art Committee.
B. Selection Process. The Library Director and the Library Board of Trustees will determine whether to accept gifts or designated giving to purchase particular works of art. All individual works will be evaluated according to the criteria below.
C. Selection Criteria: See Selection Criteria, Part I, A
D. Removing Artwork
1. The Library reserves the right to remove artwork from the permanent collection that is judged to be no longer appropriate for the collection. Considerations include, but are not limited to:
• The artwork does not work well in the Library’s space
• The cost to repair a work exceeds the value of the work itself
• The artwork no longer meets the criteria of the collection
2. The Library reserves the right to dispose of removed artwork as it sees fit, in accordance with the laws of the State of Wisconsin governing the disposal of Library property.
3. Revenue from the sale of any part of the permanent collection will be used for the support and/or development of the Library.
Part III - General Guidelines
1. Approved works of art that are gifts or bequests are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
2. The Library does not issue appraisals of any kind for works of art.
3. The placement of acquired artwork within the Library will be decided by the Library Director with approval of the Library Board of Trustees.
4. Artwork in the permanent collection that is not on display in the Library’s public spaces may be displayed in staff offices and common areas at the discretion of the Library Director.
5. The artwork in the permanent collection will be reviewed periodically by the Library Director and the Library Board of Trustees.
6. The Library should not censor or remove a work of art from the exhibit or from the Library’s permanent collection because members of the community disapprove of its content. Those who object to the content of any display of art at the Library should follow the steps outlined in the Library’s Reconsideration of Materials Policy.
Adopted June 2014
Revised August 2014
Revised March 2019
September 2021
Revised April 2024
Policies & Bylaws
- Artwork Policy
- Behavior Policy
- Circulation Policy
- Collection Development & Maintenance Policy
- Computer and Internet Use Policy
- Credit Card Policy
- Disaster Policy
- Displays & Distribution of Material Policy
- Epidemic Policy
- Equipment Loan Policy
- Fundraising & Solicitation Policy
- Gift Policy
- Library Access Policy
- Library Behavior During an Epidemic Policy
- Mission Statement
- Mobile Hotspot Policy
- Operation Policy
- Personnel Policy
- Privacy and Confindentiality Policy
- Programs Policy
- Public Records Policy
- Reconsideration of Materials Policy
- Reference Services Policy
- Revision of Library Policies
- Services Policy
- Social Media Policy
- Volunteer Policy