Behavior Policy

The Boulder Junction Public Library has established this policy to ensure that library facilities and programs are safe, welcoming and provide equitable access to materials and services for all library users. Appropriate library conduct includes activities such as reading, studying, properly using library materials or computers and other similar conduct normally associated with a public library. It is a patron's responsibility to maintain necessary and proper behavior standards in order to protect his/her individual rights and the rights and privileges of other patrons. Access to the library may be denied for just cause as determined by the library staff.

The following behaviors or items are not permitted in the library. Patrons conducting these behaviors will receive a verbal warning. If the behavior continues, the patron will be asked to leave the library property.
• No smoking, vaping, or other use of tobacco products
• No pets, with the exception of service animals
• No possessing, selling, distributing, or using any dangerous weapon as that term is defined in Wis. Stats. sec. 939.22(10) upon library premises or using or threatening the use of any other object in such a manner that it may be considered a weapon
• No possessing, selling, distributing, consuming or being under the influence of any drugs/controlled substances
• No engaging in any sexual contact, activities or conduct
• No food or drink near the computers
• No unattended children under the age of 7 on Library premises.
• No selling, soliciting, surveying, distributing written materials, panhandling or canvassing for any political, charitable or religious purposes inside the library without prior authorization of the Library Director or designee
• No entering non-public areas of the library without permission.
• No engaging in excessive or disruptive conversations, talking loudly, using personal electronic equipment at such a volume or making ongoing noise that is disturbing to other library users.
• Shoes and shirt must be worn

Patrons who participate in the following activities may be denied access to the library immediately:
• Destruction of or tampering with library property.
• Misuse of library privileges, including Internet and computer use.
• Engaging in any physically intimidating or assaultive behavior.
• Making any threats of violence or unlawful activities. The Library has a policy of zero tolerance for threats and acts of violence. Any person engaging in such behaviors will be immediately ejected from the Library.
• Committing or attempting to commit a crime.

Staff Response Guidelines:
The library staff reserves the right to ask a patron to leave the library for any of the reasons listed above. Guidelines for dealing with difficult patrons:
• Remain friendly and calm in addressing the patron situation. Identify yourself as a library employee.
• Do not touch the patron.
• Discuss the issue with the patron away from other patrons in the library if possible.
• The staff member can give a copy of the library’s written policy to the patron if needed.
• If the patron refuses to leave the library after being asked to do so, or becomes abusive or aggressive, the staff member may call law enforcement. Vilas County Sheriff non-emergency phone number is 715-479-4441 or 800-472-7290.
• Any incident of policy violation must be documented in writing by the director or staff with the date in which the incident occurred and a brief description of the incident.

Temporary and Permanent Banning Guidelines:
• Patrons who engage in repeated disruptive behaviors that interfere with others’ use of the library or the general operation of the library or engage in behaviors that violate the law may be temporarily or permanently banned from the Boulder Junction Public Library premises by the Library Director.
• A written notice including the reason for the of the temporary or permanent ban may be given to the patron.
• A written appeal of the Library Director’s decision may be made to the Library Board within 30 days.
• The library recognizes the patrons right to contest the ban and present his/her side of the situation. The patron may request to speak to the Director and present counterarguments

Adopted July 2001
Revised November 2008
Revised August 2020