Disaster Policy

The Boulder Junction Public Library promotes the safety of all patrons and staff. In case of disaster, the following policy will be strictly followed.

• In case of a fire - At the first indication of smoke or flame, investigate the situation to determine location and extent of the fire. If the fire can obviously be contained and extinguished quickly and safely by staff, proceed to do so. Fire extinguishers are located at the library doorway exit by the Reading Garden, the east side lobby doorway exit and several other locations throughout the building. Familiarize yourself with the type, location, and application of the fire extinguisher(s) in the building; however, if there is any doubt about whether the fire can be controlled, immediately call 911 and then clear the building. Evacuate at the nearest exterior doorway.

• In case of a tornado - If there is a tornado warning, move to the restrooms, break room, storage rooms or Nordlof Conference room – whichever is closest and quickest to reach. Stay away from windows and bookshelves.

• In case of a health emergency - Call 911 immediately in the event of any serious problem. Staff members should exercise caution when administering first aid of even a minor nature because of the safety of the injured individual and the potential liability of the staff member. Without specialized training it is not advisable for staff to undertake more than keeping the sick or injured patron comfortable and protected from needless disturbance until medical help can be obtained. Since each case is unique, staff members should use their own judgment to do what is prudent and reasonable. No medication--including aspirin--should ever be dispensed to the public. There is an AED device in the hallway outside the Community Center restrooms. Even those without training can use this device in an emergency.

• In case of a threatening phone call – Keep the caller on the line as long as possible.
1. Ask the caller to repeat the message and try to write down every word spoken by the person.
2. Pay particular attention to peculiar background noises such as motors running, background music and any other noises, which may indicate from where the call is originating. Listen closely to the voice (male, female), voice quality (calm, excited), accents and speech impediments.
3. Immediately after the caller hangs up, call the police.

• In case of a severe snowstorm – In the event the public schools close or the weather is of a nature that is dangerous to the staff member or volunteer on duty, the library may close. Changes in hours should be placed in a message on the library website or a sign posted on the community center door. The Library Director will also try to have the closing announced on local radio and television stations. Whenever possible, known cancellations or closings should be posted in public places ahead of time.

• In case of power outage – The building has a generator; however, not all library operating functions will be available during a power outage. Some of the lighting and the restrooms will operate on the generator. The circulation desk computer and some staff computers will operate on the generator; however, public computers are not hooked up to the generator. Some electrical outlets will operate on the generator; however, not all outlets are hooked up to the generator. Some services may not be available, and the library may need to close.

Adopted July 2001
Revised February 2003
Revised November 2008
Revised June 2011
Revised January 2016
Revised June 2021
Revised May 2024