Displays & Distribution of Material Policy
2. Announcements for upcoming events may not be posted earlier than 30 days prior to the event. Items will be posted or made available on an equitable basis, regardless of beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups, subject to available space and geographic relevance to the community. The library staff will discard announcements after the event.
3. Religious and political materials/flyers are only permissible to advertise meetings and/or special events open to the public.
4. Library notices, posters and literature take precedence over other users.
5. The following are NOT permitted:
a. Legal notices
b. Rental announcements
c. Notice of merchandise or services for sale from a profit-making business
d. Postings of political party platforms, endorsements of candidates or notices advocating the election of any candidate or referendum position.
e. Postings advocating a position on a public issue, except for notices of meetings.
f. Notices or advertisements to recruit membership in any organization.
g. Personal notices such as rummage sales, lost pets, merchandise or services for sale, rental announcements, etc.
h. Religious or political materials which have the primary purpose or effect to proselytize for a single point of view.
6. The library reserves the right to decide if a display, posting or handout is appropriate according to this policy. All items are subject to the approval of the Library Director or a designee of the Director. Anyone may appeal a disapproval or condition of approval to the Library Board of Trustees. The decision of the Library Board of Trustees is final.
7. The presentation of any display, posting or handout does not imply an endorsement of the content by the Boulder Junction Public Library, its Trustees or staff. Each display should have contact information from the responsible person or group.
Adopted July 2011
Revised January 2021
Revised January 2024
Policies & Bylaws
- Artwork Policy
- Behavior Policy
- Circulation Policy
- Collection Development & Maintenance Policy
- Computer and Internet Use Policy
- Credit Card Policy
- Disaster Policy
- Displays & Distribution of Material Policy
- Epidemic Policy
- Equipment Loan Policy
- Fundraising & Solicitation Policy
- Gift Policy
- Library Access Policy
- Library Behavior During an Epidemic Policy
- Mission Statement
- Mobile Hotspot Policy
- Operation Policy
- Personnel Policy
- Privacy and Confindentiality Policy
- Programs Policy
- Public Records Policy
- Reconsideration of Materials Policy
- Reference Services Policy
- Revision of Library Policies
- Services Policy
- Social Media Policy
- Volunteer Policy