Library Access Policy

According to its mission, the Boulder Junction Public Library is available for all residents and visitors of our community.  The library strives to make its collection accessible to all patrons.  In providing universal access, the library encourages patrons to recognize the following access policies to ensure fair access by all patrons.


Services, such as circulation of materials, will require the presentation of a Northern Waters Library Network library card or the card of a partnering library according to the Northern Waters Library Service (NWLS) agreement. (Appendix E)
• The library serves people of all ages and residency.

• Service is not denied or abridged because of a person’s race, ethnicity, age, citizenship, literacy level, ability, family structure, income level, health status, gender identity, sexuality, religion or political beliefs.

• The Boulder Junction Public Library adheres to the Americans with Disabilities Act that assures equal access to all library facilities, activities and programs. Every attempt will be made to accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities and the library welcomes input from persons with disabilities about ways the library can more completely serve them. Homebound patrons can receive items through the NWLS Mail-A-Book program.

• All children under the age of seven must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or designated, responsible person while in the library. Library staff is not expected to assume responsibility for the care of unsupervised children in the library. Also, if the young child is attending a library program, we require the parent/responsible adult to remain available in the community building throughout the program, unless an exception is made in advance.

• Library patrons may access the Boulder Junction Public Library’s computer catalog via the Internet at Patrons may request materials over the Internet; however materials must be picked up at the Boulder Junction Public Library during normal operating hours. Mail-A-Book patrons will receive their materials in the U.S. mail.

Adopted July 2001
Revised June 2011
Revised June 2019
Revised January 2022