Library Behavior During an Epidemic Policy

Working together to ensure the health and safety of the Boulder Junction Public Library staff and patrons is our paramount concern. This policy is developed with the intention of employing best practices to protect health and safety and shall be enforced until the danger of the spread of the epidemic/pandemic has passed. If a local spike in the epidemic/pandemic should occur, or in case of staff illness, or if there has been a known exposure to the virus, the Library Board of Trustees may choose to close the library for a period of time as a safety measure.


A. Use of the Library
The Boulder Junction Public Library will comply with the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) regarding minimizing the spread of disease. Those entering may be asked to:

• Wear a mask covering your mouth and nose. If patron does not have a mask, one will be provided at no cost. If a patron cannot wear a mask for any reason, curbside service will be provided.
• Wash hands or use hand sanitizer upon entering the building.
• Maintain social distancing from those not in their party.
• Return items in the outside book drop and not bring them into the library or place on the desk.
• Complete their library errands in a timely fashion. We ask you to remember that someone may be waiting outside to take their turn.
• Return items you have handled but opted not to check out in specially marked bins and do not return to the shelf.
• Ask for curbside pickup if you are not comfortable with entering the library building or are in a high-risk group.
• Stay home if you are exhibiting symptoms in line with epidemic/pandemic illness or have been exposed to anyone diagnosed with the virus.
• • Enter and exit the building through designated doors.

B. Use of Public Access Computers and/or Library WIFI
• Public access computer time limits may be monitored and enforced. If you need to use the computer to take a test or register for unemployment, your time may be extended.
• To allow for safe social distancing, only four of our public access computers may be limited.
• Staff ability to assist with computer issues may be limited by social distancing requirements.
• Our Wi-Fi is always on and available inside and outside the library building. Those using the Wi-Fi in the library are asked to consider safe social distancing.
• Length of stay of those using Wi-Fi inside the library may be monitored. Patrons may be asked to leave the building if they have been in place for more than the posted time limit.

C. Materials Handling
The Boulder Junction Public Library may practice materials quarantine procedures during an epidemic and continue to do so until advised that the danger has passed.
• Items returned to the Library may be quarantined for a length of time based on the current recommendation of the CDC and/or the State of Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.
• Due dates may be extended and fine waived to accommodate extra time needed to quarantine before checking in items and removing from patron accounts.

D. Library Staff
Based on CDC and DHS recommendations, Library staff may be required to:
• Wear masks when interacting with patrons.
• Wash their hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer between patron transactions.
• Maintain safe social distances and request that patrons do the same.

E. Policy Enforcement
• The library staff reserves the right to ask a patron to immediately leave the library if they do not follow this policy. If the patron does not comply, law enforcement may be called.
• Patrons who repeatedly refuse to follow this may be temporarily or permanently banned from the Boulder Junction Public Library premises by the Library Director. A written notice of the temporary or permanent ban will be given to the patron. A written appeal of the Library Director’s decision may be made to the Library Board within 30 days.
• If a patron is exhibiting symptoms in line with an epidemic/pandemic illness, they may be asked to leave.

Adopted June 2020
Revised August 2020
Revised October 2020
Revised May 2021
Revised July 2021
Revised August 2021
Revised January 2022
Revised March 2022
Revised October 2022