Personnel Policy

The Boulder Junction Public Library Board of Trustees (“library board”) values its staff of paid and unpaid personnel and their contribution to the library operation. Unpaid employees (volunteers) are covered under the Volunteer Policy in the handbook. The library board will use the Wisconsin Public Library Standards and state Public Librarian Certification as a hiring guideline.

A. Management Policy:

The duly appointed library board shall have all management rights, authorities, and responsibilities as stated in Wisconsin Statutes, Chapter 43.

1. The library board shall select, appoint, and, when necessary for valid reasons, dismiss the Library Director.
2. The library board shall establish all other positions and all wages for all library staff.
3. The library board shall provide an effective orientation for new directors to assure that the director understands a) the policies and processes related to the daily operation of the library, b) reporting and budgetary requirements that assure accountability and compliance with the law, c) the expectations of the library board in regard to administrative processes and protocol, particularly as they relate to conducting effective and efficient library board meetings, and d) rules and requirements for state certification and any assistance which is provided by the library to acquire and maintain appropriate certification.
4. The library board shall conduct annual reviews of the Library Director’s performance, at which time personal and management goals can be discussed and negotiated.

B. Administrative Policy:

The person appointed as Library Director shall be charged with the sole administration of the library.

1. The Library Director shall be responsible to the library board in matters pertaining to and concerning the library; be present at monthly library board meetings and prepare and present such reports and meeting documents as requested.
2. The Library Director shall maintain financial records in an efficient manner; present periodic reports to the library board and to the municipal governing body; prepare the draft of the annual budget to be presented to the library board; and assist trustees with presenting the adopted appropriation request to the municipal governing body.
3. The Library Director shall hold regular meetings with staff and/or volunteers for training and interpreting library board policy.
4. The Library Director will be responsible for preparing annual performance reviews for library staff.
5. The Library Director shall have the responsibility for collection development for all materials in the library; this includes selection, ordering, processing, weeding, and inventory of the collections according to the guidelines in the Collection Development & Maintenance Policy.
6. The Library Director will recommend changes in or additions to library policies as needed.
7. The Library Director will perform preparatory work to assist the library board with regular library planning.

C. Hiring Personnel:

Employment vacancies for the library shall be posted on the bulletin board in the Community Center (5392 Park St.), on the library website and advertised in a newspaper of town-wide distribution. Advertisements may also be posted in professional, trade or other publications or websites in order to attract qualified applicants. Postings shall clearly set forth the minimum qualifications required, the deadline for submitting applications and other information pertinent to the position.

The library board will interview and hire the Library Director. The Library Director will interview and hire other library employees.

D. Probationary Period:

Newly hired employees shall serve a probationary period, during which time they may be dismissed without just cause. In this case, the Town of Boulder Junction grievance policy will not apply. The probationary period shall continue for six months from date of hire, providing the employee’s performance is satisfactory. The probationary period may be extended not to exceed six additional months if, in the opinion of the library board, an extended period is necessary to fully evaluate the employee. During the probationary period, the probationary employee must exhibit an ability to learn and handle the job for which he/she was hired. Upon successful completion of the probationary period, the employee will assume regular employee status and the six-month probationary period will be included in accrued time of employment as counted toward employee benefits.

E. Salaries and Evaluation:

Job descriptions and salaries have been approved by the library board. They are subject to regular revision so that they will remain equitable for both the library and the staff.

The library employees’ wages are established by the library board. The library employees’ annual wage increases will be approved by the library board and awarded in January.

The library board will evaluate the performance of the Library Director after the initial six months probationary period, thereafter annually. The Library Director will evaluate the performance of the other library staff annually.

Eligible library employees are required to participate in retirement benefits under the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS). Employees shall contribute the employee’s share of the WRS-required contribution per Wisconsin State Law and the Town will pay the Town’s matching amount per WRS. The contribution amount is determined on an annual basis by the WRS. Contact the Town Clerk for more information.

F. Health Insurance:

Library employees must work 30 hours per week or more to be eligible for health insurance through the Town of Boulder Junction.

Refer to printed information available from the Town Clerk for details of eligibility and coverage under the current plans. Employees are responsible for completing all forms necessary for enrollment. The Town reserves the right to change insurance carriers and plans as it deems necessary.

If you elect to participate in the Town’s insurance plan, coverage will begin on the first day of employment. If insurance is declined, employees are eligible to enroll in the future provided enrollment is requested within 31 days of specific qualifying events: marriage, birth, adoption, or placement for adoption, divorce, or involuntary loss of other group health insurance coverage.

The Town of Boulder Junction has established an HRA benefit for full-time employees who have completed their orientation period. Refer to printed information available from the Town Clerk for details of eligibility and coverage under current plans.

G. Work Schedule Policy:

Major changes in the Library Director’s schedule or other circumstances may not be made without approval of the library board. Requests for such shall be made in writing to the library board. Requests for changes in the work schedule of other staff or volunteers shall be made in writing to the Library Director. The majority of the Library Director’s hours should be worked during library operating hours.

Employees are paid by the quarter hour. Employees are not to be paid for travel time associated with reporting to and from work.

Pay periods consist of 2 (two) full weeks, beginning on Sunday and ending on Saturday, fourteen (14) days. Time sheets are collected on the Monday following the end of a pay period and should be promptly turned into the Town Clerk. Pay stubs are generated by the Town Clerk and distributed on the Wednesday following the end of a pay period. Payroll shall be paid every two weeks via check or direct deposit. Employees are responsible for ensuring that time sheets contain accurate hours worked and for submitting time sheets timely for processing to the Town Clerk.

H. Paid Time Off:

• The purpose of paid time off (PTO) is to provide full-time employees with a more flexible paid time off from work that can be used for vacation, personal or family illness, school, doctor appointments, volunteerism, and other activities of the employee’s choosing. PTO is very important, and the library encourages its use for periodic rest and relaxation away from the job.

• Consistent with the Town handbook, full-time employees have a regular work schedule of a minimum of 30 hours a week (including sanctioned time off). Full-time employees will accrue PTO based on length of service as defined below. PTO is added to the employee’s bank annually on January 1. The employee’s length of service on January 1 determines the amount of PTO time available during the ensuing calendar year. Employees may use PTO in one-hour increments. As listed above, staff members working less than 30 hours per week are not eligible for PTO.

• After termination of employment with the library, employees are paid for any unused PTO they have available for that year.

• PTO accrued prior to the start of a requested and approved unpaid leave of absence must be exhausted prior to the start of unpaid leave.

• An employee may carry over 80 hours of unused PTO into the next year. An employee does not have the option to be paid in lieu of PTO at the end of the year. Any PTO time over 80 hours will be lost.

PTO Schedule:

Service Time PTO
in days
Annual PTO in Hours
40 Hour FTE 36 Hour FTE 32 Hour FTE 30 Hour FTE
0-1 year 5 40 hours 36 hours 32 hours 30 hours
1-3 years 10 80 hours 72 hours 64 hours 60 hours
3-8 years 15 120 hours 108 hours 96 hours 90 hours
8-15 years 20 160 hours 144 hours 128 hours 120 hours
≥15 years 25 200 hours 180 hours 160 hours 150 hours


The library board acknowledges that during the busy summer season, or due to library sponsored events throughout the year, full-time employees may need to work more than 40 hours per week.

Full-time, non-exempt employees who work more than 40 hours per week are eligible for either overtime pay or compensatory PTO, both of which accrue at a rate of 1.5 hours for each 1 hour over 40 (not including holiday or bereavement pay) or as otherwise specified in the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) as it relates to public/municipal employees (29 CFR Part 541). If an employee chooses to take their overtime compensation as PTO, that PTO is subject to the PTO policy listed above.

Employees listed as part-time (i.e., less than 30 hours per week) are not eligible for PTO. Any hours worked over 40 hours in a one-week period will be compensated with overtime pay at a rate of 1.5 hours per each hour worked over 40 hours.

Employees may work up to 10 hours of overtime per week without requesting prior approval of the Board of Trustees and may elect to accrue compensatory PTO or to receive overtime pay each pay period. Library board approval is required for any planned time over 10 hours per week. The Board of Trustees authorizes the President, Vice President, or Treasurer to provide approval without a quorum.

J. Holidays:
Part-time employees will not receive paid holidays but will receive compensation at 1.5 hours of pay per 1 hour worked on a holiday listed below. After successful completion of a six-month probationary period, full-time employees shall be granted the day off with pay for the following holidays:

• New Year’s Day,
• Memorial Day,
• Fourth of July,
• Labor Day,
• Thanksgiving,
• Christmas Eve
• Christmas Day.

A recognized holiday that falls on a weekend will be observed on the Friday before or the Monday following. If a full-time employee works on a holiday, they will receive compensation at 1.5 hours of pay per 1 hour worked in addition to the paid holiday.

K. Longevity Pay

The longevity pay plan recognizes and expresses the library’s appreciation for the long-term full-time service of employees. All employees working more than 30 hours per week receive longevity pay which is based upon length of continuous service as employees with the library. The payment for the earned longevity shall be made annually on or about December 15th of each year. The amount of longevity pay shall be computed based upon the following schedule:

• 5 years but less than 10 years of service, $15 per month or $180 per year
• 10 years but less than 15 years of service, $22 per month or $264 per year
• 15 years but less than 20 years of service, $26 per month or $312 per year
• 20 years but less than 25 years of service, $32 per month or $384 per year
• 25 or more years of service, $38 per month or $456 per year

The longevity payment is based upon your anniversary date of employment. If employment is terminated for any reason other than retirement, the employee shall not receive the longevity pay for the current year. When a retirement occurs after 15 years of service, prior to the 15th of the month, the payment shall be to the end of the preceding month.

L. Other Benefits:

Refer to the Town of Boulder Junction Employee Handbook for details on State Income Continuation, Worker’s Compensation, Unemployment Insurance and Social Security.

M. Leave of Absence:

Leaves of absence without pay may be granted to library employees for maternity, adoption, illness, travel, or graduate or certification training. All leaves are considered on a case-by-case basis and must be approved by the Library Director. A leave for the Library Director must be approved by the library board.

The library adheres to the Wisconsin Family and Medical Leave Law (section 103.10 of the WI Statues). Family leaves of absence without pay are available to employees who wish to take time off from work duties to fulfill family obligations relating directly to childbirth, adoption, or placement of a foster child; or to care for a child, spouse, companion, or parent with a serious health condition.

Requests for leave should be submitted in writing well in advance of the time when the leave is to begin. Written requests should indicate both a beginning and ending date for the leave. PTO must be used before an unpaid leave will be approved for reasons other than maternity, adoption, or military training.

In some instances, it may be necessary to deny requests for leaves of absence. Leaves are a privilege and can be granted only if the best interests of the library can be maintained.

N. Bereavement Leave:

Full-time employees may take up to three paid leave days in the event of the death of immediate family, defined as, spouse, children, sibling, or parents of either the employee or the employee’s spouse. Bereavement days need to be taken in full day increments. Additional bereavement days may be taken without pay at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.

Part-time employees may take bereavement leave without pay. Duration of bereavement shall be at the discretion of the Library Director.

O. Military Leave:

Library employees who are duly enrolled members of the National Guard, State Guard, or any other organized reserve component of the Armed Forces of the United States shall be allowed a military leave of absence which has been ordered. The leave, under normal circumstances, will not exceed fourteen (14) days excluding Sundays and legal holidays. A copy of the order requiring attendance at military training sites shall accompany all requests for a military leave.

The library board can assure no loss of wages if the employee wishes to turn all earnings from the training period into the library board. Benefits are not affected by a military leave as long as the leave stays within the fourteen-day parameter.

P. Jury Duty:

Employees shall be granted unpaid leave when required to be absent to serve jury duty during regular scheduled hours.

Q. Meetings, Conventions, and Workshops:

Employees are encouraged to attend continuing education opportunities to aid the library and shall be allowed expenses at the discretion of the library board according to the amount appropriated in the budget.

The library board will pay for all state-mandated continuing education credits. Additional credits may be allowed at the discretion of the library board according to the amount appropriated in the budget.

R. Disciplinary Policy:

An employee of the Boulder Junction Public Library may be dismissed for any action or behavior that causes the library’s image or operation to be diminished. This includes but is not limited to: incompetence, misconduct, inattention to assigned duties, or unapproved absences from work.

Normally termination would be a final step which would follow:

Step 1. A substandard performance appraisal
Step 2. Written warnings
Step 3. Suspension
Step 4. Extended probation

It is important that complete and clear records be maintained of all disciplinary processes for the protection of the employee and the library. The library board wants each employee to be successful in his/her job and will work with employees to eliminate deficiencies.

While notice of intent to terminate can be expected, the Boulder Junction Public Library Board of Trustees reserves the right to dismiss an employee without notice in cases involving theft, drug or alcohol abuse, criminal activity, or in instances of significant misconduct.

S. Resignation and Retirement Policy:

A library employee wishing to resign or retire from employment must notify the Library Director or the library board as soon as practicable. The library board requests a minimum notice of two weeks. For the Library Director, a notice of at least one month is preferred.

The employee must submit a formal, written resignation statement giving the exact date that employment is to be terminated. Between the time of notice and the time when employment ends, a final performance appraisal will be conducted.

T. Grievance Procedure:
See Town Grievance Policy Appendix H

U. Equal Opportunity Employment Policy:

It is the policy of the Boulder Junction Public Library Board of Trustees to provide an equal employment opportunity for all qualified and qualifiable persons. Equal employment opportunity shall be according to the provisions of State and Federal laws and regulations as well as the Town of Boulder Junction Employee Handbook.

V. Drug-Free Workplace Policy:

In compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited while performing work for the Boulder Junction Public Library, whether that work is carried out in the workplace building or not. All employees shall abide, as a condition of employment, by the terms of this notice and shall notify the Library Director or library board within five (5) days of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace.

Failure to comply with the above requirements shall be grounds for appropriate personnel action against such employee up to and including termination or such employee may be required to satisfactorily participate in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program.

W. Sexual Harassment Policy:

Harassment on the basis of sex is a violation of Title VII (federal law) and Statute 111.36(b) (state law). Sexual harassment, either verbal or physical, is an unlawful employment practice and will not be tolerated by the Boulder Junction Public Library.

The Boulder Junction Public Library Board of Trustees accepts and adheres to all definitions and procedures outlined in the law as regards sexual harassment. Any employee who engages in sexual harassment will subject themselves to disciplinary action up to and including discharge.


Adopted July 2001
Revised February 2003
Revised May 2010
Revised January 2012
Revised March 2020
Revised September 2020
Revised September 2023
Revised November 2024