Reference Services Policy

The Boulder Junction Public Library provides knowledgeable, personalized assistance to help patrons find information and select and use library resources.

• Library staff treats all requests, and the patrons who make them, with respect. Appropriate assistance is provided courteously and impartially to all, regardless of age, background, disability, origin, or views.
• Staff uses information based on accurate and authoritative print or online sources or learned from a reliable authority. The source for an answer is cited.
• No two reference questions are the same. Simple queries are usually answered quickly and fully. More complex questions may require the patron’s participation in the information search, with staff providing professional assistance and instruction. Staff can serve as a research consultant, providing guidance and advice on the search strategy and process. In some instances, staff may need to limit the amount of time and level of response provided to a patron.
• For those people seeking recommendations for books or other library materials to suit their particular tastes and interests, staff suggests a selection of specific titles. In addition to relying on their professional knowledge and experience, staff consults print, on-line and other sources.
• Formal and informal instruction in the use of information resources is provided.
• Patrons can make their requests by telephone, email, letter, or in person at the Boulder Junction Public Library. Responses are provided in the most expedient and convenient way possible for the customer.
• Boulder Junction Public Library provides reference services to the residents of Boulder Junction and the Northern Waters Library System area, as well as to people from other areas of the state based on contractual agreements and the statewide resource-sharing plan. Requests about the Boulder Junction area received from people who reside outside the Northern Waters Library System are also accepted. Others are handled as time permits, or the patron is referred to his/her local library.
• The Library reserves the right to refuse to answer questions that are offensive and/or inappropriate in accordance with the Library’s rules of conduct. If the questioner does not abide by these rules, the reference session will be terminated.
• All library transactions are confidential under Wisconsin Statute 43.30.

Adopted May 2007
Revised October 2008
Revised March 2020
Reviewed March 2023