Cookies and Candies Needed for The Friends of the Boulder Junction Public Library Annual Cookie Walk

Cold weather and the first snowfall are a reminder that the holidays are just around the corner! This holiday season, you can help the Boulder Junction Public Library by donating your homemade cookies or candies for the Friends of the Library Annual Cookie Walk. This library fundraiser will be held in conjunction with our town Christmas Walk on Friday, November 24 at 4 p.m. in the Acorn Lodge.

The Friends have freezer space and will accept donations of homemade cookies and candies starting now. Please bring your sweet treats to the library during operating hours; Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday 10am – 1pm, Tuesday and Thursday 10 am – 7pm, or to the Acorn Lodge on the day of the sale between 2:30 and 3:30 p.m. Your support is greatly needed and a batch or two of your homemade treats would be appreciated!

Funds raised at the Friends of the Library Cookie Walk have helped the library purchase new public-use computers, best-seller books, DVDs and newspaper and magazine subscriptions for patron use.