Digital Library Resources

The library provides digital resources you can use from anywhere while you stay safe at home.

  • Check out a book or downloadable audiobook from Wisconsin’s Digital Library
  • Take a free class with Gale Courses
  • Research your family genealogy! Access to Ancestry has been temporarily expanded to library cardholders working remotely, courtesy of ProQuest and its partner Ancestry.
    • Password: merlinancestry
    • Click on link or ancestry image
    • May need to open incognito window or clear browser cache
  • Announcing the National Emergency Library, a collection of books that supports emergency remote teaching, research activities, independent scholarship, and intellectual stimulation while universities, schools, training centers, and libraries are closed. To address our unprecedented global and immediate need for access to reading and research materials, as of today, March 24, 2020, the Internet Archive will suspend waitlists for the 1.4 million (and growing) books in our lending library by creating a National Emergency Library to serve the nation’s displaced learners. This suspension will run through June 30, 2020, or the end of the US national emergency, whichever is later. Read more here.
  • Thanks to past and present vendors, there are now 4 new, temporary resources in BadgerLink, provided to Wisconsin residents during the COVID-19 pandemic when access to more licensed, quality information is of the greatest importance. Click on this link to view these resources.

Don’t have a library card? No problem! Right now, you can sign up for a digital card and get immediate access to Wisconsin’s Digital Library and Gale Courses.  Full details and online registration form here.

Have a library card but can’t find it or forgot your card number? If you need help getting your library card number or have any other questions, please email the library at [email protected]. While the library is closed there will be no staff working on-site, but we will still be using email to answer your questions.

Looking for other resources more specifically relating to COVID-19?  The Boulder Junction Chamber of Commerce has a wonderful resource page HERE.

Stay safe, stay home and see you soon!