Winter Wellness Series: Myofunctional Therapy: Connecting Your Mouth to So Much More
February 10 @ 10:30 am - 11:30 am

The Boulder Junction Public Library will be offering a series of FREE informational presentations this winter to help patrons learn ways to support their health and wellness all winter long. Join us on Monday, February 10 at 10:30am for “Myofunctional Therapy: Connecting Your Mouth to So Much More” with Kayleigh Trombly-Krall from Northwoods Myofunctional Therapy, LLC.
Myofunctional therapy is an individualized exercise program targeted at correcting the function of the muscles of the face, mouth and upper airway. When these muscles aren’t functioning properly it can affect facial growth, sleep quality, breathing, chewing, speech, and so much more.
Myofunctional therapy has been shown to minimize, relieve, or eliminate: obstructive sleep apnea, snoring, dental concerns, TMJ or jaw discomfort, clenching & grinding, mouth breathing, digestive issues, neck, shoulder tension & headaches, tongue-tie restrictions, orthodontic relapse, oral habits like thumb sucking, and chronic ear infections.
This treatment can be valuable for children and adults alike. This program will explain how the function of your mouth could be affecting so much more and what you can do to get to the root cause of your issues.
Kayleigh is a dental hygienist and orofacial myofunctional therapist. She focuses on helping clients make the connection between how the function of their mouth and airway can affect their entire body and well-being. She splits her time between clinical dental hygiene and providing myofunctional therapy.
Registration is not required but would be appreciated. For more information or to register, please call the library at 715-385-2050.