Art in the Library Exhibit

The library welcomes the public to view their May “Art in the Library” exhibit featuring the artwork of Sue Klein. The art is on display throughout the library during regular hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday 10 am to 1 pm; and Tuesday and Thursday 10 am to 6 pm.

Sue received her Masters in Art Education and Fine Art at the University of Wisconsin- Madison and then taught art for the Madison Public Schools for 32 years. After retiring, she taught for the University’s Art Education Department for another 3 years.

Then, to try something different, Sue began an apiary (MisBEEhavin’ Apiary) for the next 12 years, selling honey and honey products from her home and at summer fairs and farmer’s markets.  Sue and her husband built their current home in Natural Lakes (north of Boulder Junction) nine years ago.

Sue’s degree in art concentrated on painting and drawing. Recently she has been working in watercolor, but still enjoys creating with acrylic and ink line to bring out the textures and highlights of the subject.  Many paintings tell a story or impart “attitude” that she sensed from each of them.

Applications are being accepted for upcoming Art in the Library exhibits. The application form is available in the library or or HERE. The exhibits can be a single artist or a group of artists representing a theme or medium.

For questions about the Art in the Library exhibits, the application process, or the Artwork policy, please email the library at [email protected] or call the library at 715-385-2050.