Spring Book Walk

Hello, Puddle! book

The Boulder Junction Public Library is offering a Spring Book Walk at Boulder Junction Winter Park, 10135-10217 Old K Rd, Boulder Junction. A Book Walk is a fun, educational activity that places a children’s story (literally a book taken apart) along a popular walking route in a community. Conceived as a way to inspire parents, teachers, and caregivers to take young children out of doors for physical activity and to learn, a Book Walk helps build children’s interest in reading while encouraging healthy activity for both adults and children.

The library will have laminated 2-page spreads of the book mounted on stands along Winter Park’s 1-mile trail loop. To get to Winter Park from downtown Boulder Junction, turn right on Old Hwy K (at Coontail Corner) and go about .25 miles. Winter Park will be on the right.

The book the library has chosen for the Spring Book Walk is Hello, Puddle! written by Anita Sanchez and illustrated by Luisa Uribe. A normal everyday puddle may not seem very special. But for a mother turtle, it might be the perfect place to lay her eggs. For a squirrel, it might be the only spot to cool off and get a drink when the sun is shining down in July. And for any child, it can be a window into the elegant, complex natural world right outside their window.

With lush, playful illustrations and fun facts about the animals featured, Hello, Puddle! is a joyful celebration of the remarkable in the ordinary, and the importance of even the most humble places in fostering life.

If you have any questions about the Spring Book Walk, please call the library at 715-385-2050.