1000 Books Before Kindergarten


The Boulder Junction Public Library is launching “1000 Books Before Kindergarten” – a national program that promotes reading to children from birth through preschool. The library has received a Library Services & Technology Assistance grant that has enabled us to offer this reading incentive program to area children and families.

1000 Books Before Kindergarten is a program designed to help parents prepare their children for one of life’s big milestones: kindergarten. Research has shown that children get ready to read years before they begin their formal education. An excellent way to get your child ready to learn is to read to them.

Reading with your child and making it a special time together shows him/her that reading is valuable and enjoyable. You can start to develop a love of reading in your child from a very young age! Also, by coming to the library together, you can teach your child an understanding of how the library works, a respectful attitude towards books, and an appreciation for the wide range of stories that can be found at the library.

Any child who has not yet entered 5-year old kindergarten is eligible to participate in the program. If you read just one book a day, that is 365 in one year, 730 in two years and 1,095 in three years. If you enroll your child after age 3, you will need to read two books per day to reach 1000 by kindergarten. If you enroll your child after age 4, you will need to read three books per day to reach 1000 by kindergarten.

Any time your child listens to a whole book it counts! It can be a library book, a book from home, a book read at story time, even an audio book or e-book. You can even count multiple readings of the same book.
Children will receive an incentive gift when each 100-goal reading log is turned in to the library. A free book will be given out when the child reaches 100, 500 and 1000 books. Plus, progress will be recorded on our 1000 Books Before Kindergarten display in the library.

To register your child for 1000 Books Before Kindergarten, stop by the library during regular hours to get your first reading log and a folder with information about the program. For questions and further information, please call the library at 715-385-2050.

“The single most important activity for building the knowledge required for eventual success in reading is reading aloud to children.” -U.S Department of Education, Becoming a Nation of Readers